About Merit Badges International

The MBI range of Martial Arts Merit Badges have been designed by top professional martial artists to attract new students, increase school numbers, motivate, encourage and improve current students standard and keep them in your school longer.
We are the original and leading suppliers of Martial Arts Merit Badges in the World. Thousands of schools across the USA, UK, Europe, and the rest of the world benefit from our extensive range of eye catching badges not only in increased revenue and student satisfaction but also in superb student motivation and retention.
Our products have been refined and tested successfully in our own schools during the last 35 years and are in daily use in Martial Arts schools all over the world. We are constantly adding to and improving our range of motivational badges and welcome any new suggestions or ideas you may have. Far from costing you money the Martial Arts Merit Badges will make you a profit on every single patch you get PLUS dramatically increase your revenue through greater student retention and motivation.